Tuesday, May 28

Summer Season.

I'm never obsessed with any season that i wish for other seasons to go away but i enjoy every season with its specialty. Summer season has its own specialty and i like it for that but To be honest i don't really like summer season while my elder Sister loves Summer.

I was thinking about the bad factors of this season and found few. :D

1- Garmi. 
i don't know about you, but i'm sweating all the summer because of the heat emitting from glorifying Sun.  and it is the main factor about summer. We can't even play outside because of the heat and i feel suffocation with a lot of people within room( which i usually love to be with all of them together).

Another disadvantage of Summer season is that i feel thirsty, very thirsty. While on tour to D.I.Khan i drink full bare wala glass of water after every half an hour and i don't feel like eating anything because of scorching Sun up there in sky.

The main thing i hate about summers here in Pakistan is load-shedding. Gosh! First its hell tiring burning day and top of all our dear Government deprives us of all the way we can get comfort except for hand-made fans and.. and what! you all know about the load-shedding better than me. 

How can i forget the mosquitoes here. Means that they are special Soghat of summer season who make our life miserable and when electricity passes away they got the perfect time to attack and we being victim can't do anything much except cursing them.

Okay, so here is disadvantages but there are 4 things i LOVE the most about summers. :D
they are,

1- Aam.
Mangoes! yeah. Who hate them? definitely not me. I love to eat them all summers and they are ripped full of juice and i just simply Love them. 

2- Pahari elaqon me ghomna.
We can't go to numbing cold places in winters or springs but summer because the temperature there is increased by bit. The scenery there captures our heart and i always wish to go there again.

3- Chutiyan.
Another thing i love about summers is that we are free from school but our teachers loaded us with the homework of about 6-7 years but still we have time to relax in roasting weather.

4- Thande or Khate khanne.
I'm not sweet or chillies freak but  frosty foods like ice-cream and  lil bit spicy food like goll gappe and we easily have them in summers. ;)

This is my opinion about summers. :D

Monday, May 27

The Cake I Baked.

Yess! I baked. and that too for second time. well, the first time, the half was not even baked and other half was burnt. and it was yummy both in looks and taste that i couldn't believe it was made by me.
The passion for cooking or baking ignited at times for me and i ended up making something enough to eat. The idea of making the cake came to me when i was having the delicious pizza at my younger mamo's place and you know what my Mami is the best cook.
Chatting away we ended on the topic of cake and she offered me to bake there the next day, i don't know she was serious or not but i was. and i postponed all my plans of going market and making chart and made the cake.
I did everything, even taken out all the ingredients and mixed them and made batter and then putted it in oven, all by myself but under the instructions of My Mami.
I hadn't even let her made the fudge as the credit would go to her.
This is what i made. xD
and i served everyone with ice-creams and didn't even move my foot until get a compliment.
and my cousin, who is cake-addict had eaten 3 pieces at time and then i was satisfied. :P
and this was MY  plate. :D

Friday, May 17


Not a fond creature, right?! How can they be? They suck our blood. Yeah. Literally they do.
The rivalry between Humans and Mosquitoes is not something new, but i find them adorable.
Like they had audicity to bring a healthy man thinking himself capable of doing anything to curse them with all their might. And wherever they go, people mostly welcome them by clapping around them. And they remain in gossips of every person though rich, poor, scholar, or a common man.

This was my opinion till last night about so called adorables. But yesterday night everything changed. They are now in the list of top rated personalities to suspended to death. 
Because, sometimes i want to sleep alone in darkness with no one there in room and yesterday was among them, so i was alone in the room sleeping without spraying the anti-insectides or even switching on the fan. I thought it was cosy but sometime after mid-night it seems like torturing down to death because of the itching i felt at moment from my whole body in half-consciousness and next thing which i seemed to recognize is that i, myself  is slapping me on face, arms,hands, and body while my legs were like trying to free themselves from grip of ropes as hard as steel
If you'd seen me at that moment you'd probably thought that i was doing kung-fu with my bed! 

And then i got up, carry the first spray bottle that my hands can get on and spray it all over the room but when it causes no change i switched on the lights to see what the problem is, and know what it was? Oven-cleanser. Yeah! I sprayed oven-cleanser all over my room in mid-night, if i'd be fully awake then may be i brought a cloth and clean the tables, and windows with it. And then i don't even bother to spray the anti-insecticidpal and just switched on the fan and fell onto bed thinking what might have i dine to have this night in my life.

Wednesday, May 15

Why am i on Blog?

I didn't have anything to write down so i decided to tell you about, WHY I JOINED BLOG.


I do writing stuff from quite sometimes, and I just didn't get relaxed till i know that every person out there read it.

After scribbling every writing, i was begging everyone around me to read it like,

And their reaction to me was,

don't start again. We know you have written good but we have things to do.

Then, Rafoo, my sweet sister who was also tired of my pestering advised me to make a blog and write down all my crap there and don't eat her head too,

and at that i nodded a huge yes like this,

then with great difficulty i at-last made a blog and asked no, almost ordered them to read it daily.

then the said they like it.

and i was like,

my purpose of making a blog is fruitful! ;)

Note: I wanted to make it nice but! Another crap out of nowhere. 

In the memory of 'Picky Picky'

Where to start? Yeah Today Afternoon i received a text from Aiman, a very close friend of mine stating
 ''Logon PICKY PICKY is dead :'( :'( :'(' 
i received this message after having a good chat with her, out of blue.
It worried me a lot and then before confirming who the hell on the face of earth is picky picky? i forwarded this msg to my cousins( close one) thinking picky picky must be a some
politician or something like that and i was even going to switch on the news channel to know about the death of the PERSON.
When i texted Aiman 
''Who is Picky picky yaar? :o"
There comes the most shocking reply of the Century where i don't know how to react
and my eyes joined the shape of my lips which were as wide as Saucer because the reply was
"Ramona and Beezus ki CAT yaar" 
with a crying face, of-course.
Because She is way too kind. 
and then 
i was rolling on floor clutching my stomach with a vibrating body erupting annoying sounds of laughter.
Why not?
because i thought a person is dead instead of cat. -.-
Honestly speaking, i cried loudly when i watched this movie in 2011.
And i m laughing again because 'meri bezti' hogai phrse. 
Now, Check out the brain of we two,
ofcourse Aiman and Mine
She send a text msg to everyone weeping. and me, without clarifying forwarded.
In the end, i m as 'bewaquf as She is' :D

Hence, i decided to pray for dear Picky Picky and ask you to join in for her fatiha.
Thanks! ;)

Note:  You may not find this funny but keep yourself in my place and you'd laughing like a retard! :D
and secondly and foremost thing that i have nothing more to fill my blog with! ;)

Tuesday, May 14


After getting free from the insomnia called exams idk about others' but me that my mind stop working and become blank as printer paper and obviously i stopped coming up with any kind of ideas, be it art, craft, writing , sketching or even murdering( i'm dangerous). 

Hence i thought of writing a dedication to my friends. (feeling special?) and i have already started it in my mind(joke) Well, to be very precise i'll first write one about my academy friends, they are special because they got to be so well with me in span of two years that i can't think of stop talking to them. 

and then it will all about my school friends and it is going to be a long long one because i m gonna scribble about my 10 years. :p

Need help: means where should i write down this 'dedication'. i.e. on paper, blog, edited photos or any other idea is welcomed.

Waise,  there ought to be a dedication for each and every person who cope with a weird yet crazy bundle known as Ayesha :D

Monday, May 13

Mothers' Day?

Yesterday was 2nd Sunday of May means the Worldwide celebrated Mother's Day. People all around the World wishes their Mom and celebrate it according to their mom way. 
According to me, Everyday is Mother's Day.
These type of days like Mother's, Father's, Daughter's etc are for the Western people who has no time free for their families to cherish the sweet moments of daily life with their Mom or Dad or Children. They don't even know about their family members completely let forget the time to be spent together.
While, here in the East we people start our day with the annoying voice of our sweet mom waking us up, then preparing our breakfast and pressing our clothes for the day ahead.
After returning from work she is the only one who is desperately waiting for us with the healthy food, which we don't like. Taking out our clothes to change and prepares the bed to rest. 
She is the one who daily helps us with our school lessons and listen to our unstoppable chatter.
Giving us the company while there is no one  she helps us in everything out.

This is only the things she do for me on one day only. There is the whole family left with whom she has to do more or less than mentioned above.  My mom is someone who prepare Tasty food for me. Take me out on field trips. Teach me everything i should know to survive in this world.
They had only reserved a single day to pay tribute to my Mom who is completely oblivious from her life  fulfilling our needs and requirments!!?! 
Because i can't be that selfish,  I owe my whole life to my Mom  and you talk about surprising and giving gifts to her on only one day. 
Here i told you about my opinion about mothers day but i didn't explain what is Mom because
The combination of any words from just 26 Alphabets can never ever define my Mom, so how can i be good to her for only one day? 

P.S: I don't know what i wrote.

Friday, May 10

Reasons of Our Suffering

PAKISTAN-The country which is known all over the world as the centre of Terrorism, a state of savage fierceness.A place of murderous and blood-shed people.
But in reality Pakistan has another face altogether. A face which has only Poverty and Indigence  Area where people are facing hardships,living in a place of destitution. Not a single soul getting their equal rights. 
      Behind this plight of our beloved Pakistan,who is the reason? the cause is US, the so-called-citizens of this very state. We thought and blame each and every encounter happening here is because of Government, our 'leaders' but, we are forgetting one thing that the leaders who are creating a great obstruction in the way of prosperity are our own choice, though we made it blindly. But they are representing us, portraying the Pakistan and its morals to the whole world.We have to remember, we merely can't be out of trouble by only blaming our rulers.
We have to change ourselves, because someone said a beautiful quote, It is easy to wear Slippers than to carpet the World. We have to go through among the happenings in our surrounding. Have we ever wondered that Are we the true citizens? Are we following the path of our religion along with the demands of the country? If we ponder on these questions our answer would be an Absolute NO, because we have forgotten what our forefathers told us, and are deviant from the path on which we ought to be.
    What does our people nowadays care about? Is it about their faithfulness and loyalty? No, they care about their bank balance.The clothes they own, is among the trend? ,hair-styles like ramp models. Concerts of singers and Shopping Malls have no place left whereas the Madrassas has more than vacant space. The head coverings are sign of poverty whereas the Superiority is now to own an expensive and show-off cell phone.
     This is today's  Pakistan. the reality is tough and bitter but we have to reconsider our morals and virtues and have to bring excellence in ourselves, otherwise we'll spend our life suffering.
   In end, Ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you.

Vote for Pakistan

For once and for all, Think wisely.
You are going to change the fate of Pakistan just by your one Vote.
Don't cast it for your personal motives but for Pakistan.
11 May, the destiny of us is here to change. Pakistan is begging us to once, think about her.
Its about NOW or NEVER because a wrong decision is like 'the last push to falling tree. We are not in the state of second chance.
Think wisely before casting your vote because it can't be changed.
It is not about PTI, PMLN, PPP, MQM, Jammat e Islami, or all the other parties but PAKISTAN.
Vote for Roti, Kapra, Makan.
Vote for Education.
Vote for Jobs.
Vote for Justice.
Vote for Democracy.
Vote for Devolpment.
Vote for Change.
Vote for Peace.
Vote for Islam.
Vote for Pakistan.
Many people are not going to cast vote, if you are among them, then rememer you have no right for next 5 years to speak about our country's state.
May be your vote can cause a win-lose situation by 1 vote! 
Think Wisely. Think and act before its too late.
#VotePakistanKa #Elections13

Tuesday, May 7

Believe in Allah

We always think that the matters of our life though it be serious or not is in our hands. By planning with strategy we can do anything because we believe that nothing is impossible as long as we are determined. 
But i m not fully into this proverb. No i m not proving it wrong nor making my point right but i m adding the most important thing of the determination..

The faith in Almighty
We mostly ought to forget that not a single leaf can rustle without the permission of Allah. We can't do anythings in any matter of our life starting from first breath to our life career. Sometimes we do think that we have an awesome plan and timing and nothing can go wrong but to our dismay, nothing goes right. Why? because HE has some other plans and Sometimes we have lost all our hopes and submitted herself to the circumstances after being tired of protesting and think that hum hein hi itne bure but again to our utter shock, thing again goes wrong but this in our favour in the form of Miracles! 

Nothing is indeed impossible as long as we think and believe that there is NO ONE, GREATER THAN ALMIGHTY. while reading this, you were thinking that ofcourse, there is no one, but does our action speak our hearts? We again make plans and leave the prayers to corner for grabbing them when needed but one need to remember that  the prayers can change your unchangable fate.  All we have to do is to seek his help in each and every breath of our life, Nothing else and then indeed nothing is impossible!! 

My Last Day at School

''Though miles lie between us, we are never apart because friendship is measured with heart  not the distances. Stay blessed. Stay loved forever. Keep in touch!''
Kay. The Last Day at School? As far as i have ever heard about the last day at school or college it is filled with the emotional tales of crying,holding onto friends, even getting hugs from teachers too and end the day on tearful notice.! 

Isn't it what, you have heard? NO!? Well, I did! 

But today is MY Last Day in the Blue and White uniform,
The Last Day at that canteen where i gulped the food in break,
the last day to travel in that yellow painted bus, which look like a taxi, now,
the last day to go inside the classes where i once learnt to read and write,
the last day in ground where i used to play,
the last day to have a visit to THE library i never kept quite in,
the last day to see the apparatuses i used in laboratory,
the last day to meet the teachers who has taught me,
the last day to hear the sound of most annoying bell,
the last day to view the hall where we attended ceremonies and given exams,
Ah! The Last Day at I.M.C.G F-8/1

But my last day was not all about what i mentioned above. Heck! it was not a least bit like that. The Whole day was another awesomest day of my life with the awesomest people ever. yeah! my friends.
The whole day passed with giving autographs on diaries and Shirts with the whatever rubbish that our mind come up with at that moment. 
We were on and off to staff room for atleast hundred of times today, like never before. The teachers had blessed us with the wishes of a happy life and successful future ahead, but from where do we look like to be satisfied by this, we wanted autographs and  we had them, by pleading them, almost. 

3 of my friends didn't make an appearance today  and we were angry on them. yeah! why wouldn't? that WAS our last day and we are not going to come here, again.We tried to convince them but they are bullheaded like me! :P

Our day was nothing like weeping our hearts out, but laughing out loud with craziest, stupidest, and idiots i love to call my friends.
We have our very different explanation of Last Day and it is all because of the friendship we share! :')
The people there were saying that we will miss you but we were like ab kis k ghar ghussna hai yaar! ;)

In end, i love to declare myself as the most idiotic person of the century because i asked them to give me autograph when there was only 15 minutes left for chuti

This is for the love of my life, yes my friends! 
Literally you are LOVE, because i know you are reading this! :')

Friday, May 3


A  Birthday is the day which is whole heartidly welcome by everyone around the corner. Each person look forward to celebrate the special day in its own way.. Most of the people prefers to enjoy this day by throwing large parties with hundreds of guest giving wishes with a fake smile adorning their faces, while the remaining maintain the celebrations to themselves by enjoying with family and cutting a cake.

Whatever way we ought to choose, we look forward for gifts and surprises and now, a birthday's significan just ends where the surprises finish!

But this is not what actually Birthday means, it is a day to rejoice the day you or your family member or a friend join this World. To thank heavens for sending you or them to the place where you all belong, from over the world.

A birthday is fun and satisfied when you receive little but sincere wishes from family and calls from friends whereas texts from both.. and it can go a little more with cake cutting.

And this is all what needed to have a blessed day!
P.S The blabber session is still ON.
P.S.S Happy Birthday to Me! xD 

Thursday, May 2


Nowadays Load-shedding is one of the trending problems which has made our lives simply hell.
 Because these are the times when light went off for God knows how many hours and we can't do anything else except cursing WAPDA and our leaders. Its been 2-3 years to its start and we are still patiently suffering well correction, not patiently. 
We can have light through-out Pakistan without this load-shedding if our rulers consider this matter. But how can they? There manisons are lighted up each and every second without a break. The Shareef brother itself has stated that "Agle do saalon me mein Bijli KHATAM kar don ga" 
It is successful in making us restless all of the time and we can say a little bit active too as press your clothes before 6 or do wash the dresses till 9 in morning or surfer through internet or use computer early than 3.
It has indeed taken a toll on our nerves and may be they want us to become great persons as the Einsten and many others had studied in street light or moon light. because this is the only reason that make sense.
I have been trying to post something here from morning but the Drama is on and in end i decided to quit and turn off  my laptop! 
Well, Wish me Luck as i m on my way to kill myself or the Wapda! :/ :p

Remebrance of Allah

How true is this, we all know! It is explained in Quran and Ahadees that no one, literally no one can find peace without understanding the importance of Islam in his/her life. We all want contentment no matter from where we belong and how rich or poor we are. Allah Almighty has given control of each organ of body to man except heart and kept its satisfaction to himself and stated,Verily, in the remebrance of Allah do the hearts find peace. A person needs to relish the feel of home in every stage of life and this can only be felt in going down in sajda. The delight-fullness can't be expressed in words. May we find this peace within ourselves.

Don't leave any of your prayer and not forget to pray for all humankind! :)

Random thoughts

Sometimes our mind work like a whirlwind and comes across hundred of things within span of not much time and you want to pen down all of them. My mind is currently working under this condition. If i m thinking about sports while filling my cup with water then my thoughts would be of politics by the time i m drinking and at the end i were lost somewhere in my imagination about my friends.

In such times i don't know what to write. While thinking the ideas and points seem to be perfect to be posted but before posting them they are looking like a lame excuse for diary to be filled.

May be you too have faced such problems while writing and the only solution to this seems to me is to publish them on your blog as soon as they invade your brain. :P

P.S The blabber has just began! ;)

Hunger Games

Thrilling and superbly acted, The Hunger Games captures the dramatic violence, raw emotion, and ambitious scope of its source novel and movie..

The teenagers who are nowadays stuck with science, adventour and action too along with fiction finds a very good treat in Hunger games.. 

Its shows a sci-fictional story where a catastrophe occurs and destroy the whole North America state and then a nation named Panem arise from there ruins and then the story actually starts..

 As the story moves further, there shows an annual ritual of hunger games where from each district( which are 12 totally) a young woman or man has to pay tribute. At the end there were 24 finalist who had to fight between life and death in a forested arena where there are hidden cameras capturing every move of them.

As the movie continues, the person watch with bated breath as what is going to happen next and can't sigh even until the movie ends..

Don't forget to watch and read as it is something worth your time!! 
picture credits: Saba Dabba! xD

Wednesday, May 1



Hello! Everyone around!! I am new to blog, obviously! so i m not clear between to welcome you or ask to welcome me!? ;) Well, whatever it is, now you are here, so please do read and drop your opinion about each and everything! 
Constructive Criticize is whole heartidly  welcome!! :)
because i m going to post whatever that comes into my mind!
P.S Brace yourself for blah blah. ;)
P.S.S Make Sure you have extra time! :P