Friday, May 10

Vote for Pakistan

For once and for all, Think wisely.
You are going to change the fate of Pakistan just by your one Vote.
Don't cast it for your personal motives but for Pakistan.
11 May, the destiny of us is here to change. Pakistan is begging us to once, think about her.
Its about NOW or NEVER because a wrong decision is like 'the last push to falling tree. We are not in the state of second chance.
Think wisely before casting your vote because it can't be changed.
It is not about PTI, PMLN, PPP, MQM, Jammat e Islami, or all the other parties but PAKISTAN.
Vote for Roti, Kapra, Makan.
Vote for Education.
Vote for Jobs.
Vote for Justice.
Vote for Democracy.
Vote for Devolpment.
Vote for Change.
Vote for Peace.
Vote for Islam.
Vote for Pakistan.
Many people are not going to cast vote, if you are among them, then rememer you have no right for next 5 years to speak about our country's state.
May be your vote can cause a win-lose situation by 1 vote! 
Think Wisely. Think and act before its too late.
#VotePakistanKa #Elections13


  1. and 1 should think before making a decision on which our future 5 years are based ...
